
Mikael Mäkimattila

Ph.D. Student
Aalto University
mikael.makimattila (at) aalto.fi

About Me

I am a PhD student in economics at Aalto University. I started my PhD studies in 2021, spent academic year 2023–24 at MIT Department of Economics, and plan to complete the PhD program in 2026.

My research is mostly theoretical. However, it addresses questions that are close to real-world issues of the 21st century. I am particularly interested in how incomplete information influences market behavior and optimal government policy. I use game theory and mechanism design to analyze related questions.

Microeconomic theory is fun, but I also like to wander through the streets of Helsinki on a sunlit summer night, marveling at the Art Nouveau façades and watching the waves of the Baltic Sea, perhaps accompanied by the majesty of Sibelius’s Symphony No. 2.

Working Papers

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